Read in the name of your Lord who created.
Surah: Al-Alaq 96
Category: Islam Blog Author: Nurul Islam
To achieve success in this world and the hereafter
Instead of spending all your time chasing money, spend time chasing your religion. Insha Allah, success is very close to you. You will be successful in this world and the hereafter.
To understand Islam, you need to adopt three habits.
- You have to study a lot.
- We must abandon the media that spreads false propaganda.
- No matter what religion you belong to, you must abandon any sin that forbids you from committing it.
These three things are enough to change you.
- Who do I think I am, where did I come from, what remains is my goal and purpose.
- Think about it, we were nobody in this world and we will never be.
- We should all have one goal: to please our Lord and become the owners of Paradise.
“No matter what religion you belong to, think deeply about your religion..Maybe because of this power of thought, you will find the right path, Insha’Allah.”

Think about Islam.
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